Think about how often you cut, file manicure your nails for a moment. Most of us at least tend to our nail on a monthly basis, if not weekly, so why do we let our pets go for months without nail care? Lack of concern is usually not the reason, but lack of understanding the differences between our nail growth and theirs tends to be for most. Simply put, our nail bed/quick has a stopping point so we can go without a nail trim somewhat indefinitely; a dogs nail bed/quick continues to grow with the length of the nail.
So, imagine for a moment the pain we feel when we have a nail that is accidently broken or torn down into the quick, now imagine the pain (not to mention bleeding) your pet endures when overgrown nails are trimmed back after months of growth without care. Groomers have only two choices when trimming overgrown nails, 1. cut just the very tips to avoid quicking the nail, therefore leaving a long nail and possible health problem unattended to, or, 2. inadvertently quicking the nail while trying to trim a nail back to a shorter, healthy length.
The Verdict… a dogs nails need to be cared for on a monthly basis, especially if they tend to not be outdoors on a hard concrete surface often, and all dogs should have a nail trim at least every six weeks. And, if you’re fearfull of caring for your pets nails use a nail file if you have a little dog, or for the bigger pups learn to use a Dremel with Peticure attachment (my personal favorite). A Dremel gives you more control to file a little then check to see where you’re at, verses a nail clipper where its one shot and you hope for the best. When using a Dremel just be sure not to overheat a nail, if the nail starts to get warm move on to the next nail while the other cools and then come back to it. My dog actually lays down on his side and takes a little cat-nap while getting his nails Dremeled. He likes it, though it does tickle at times.
Finally, an easy way to keep up with your pets nail care is the next time you manicure your nails – give your pet a manicure too. Your pet will be forever grateful not to experience the trauma of a quicked nail, and so will your Pet Groomer!